#Review #NetGalley #YouMayNowKillTheBride

Their hangovers may fade, but this is a hen party they’ll never forget…

Lauren, Saskia, Dominica, Farah and Tansy have been friends since nursery. They wonder if that was the last time they all actually liked each other.

Reunited as bridesmaids at Tansy’s spiritual hen party in the woods, it doesn’t take long before old grudges begin to surface. Not to mention the secret they’ve been hiding for twenty years.

But what starts as a weekend of macramé and contraband vodka ends in murder when Tansy chokes to death on a poisoned cacao drink.

As the body count keeps climbing, the friends realise that one of their group must be the killer – and if any of them want to make it down the aisle, they need to watch their sash-covered backs.

Who will be left standing when the bouquet is thrown?

Buy It Here!

My Review

A hen party should be fun and frivolous, but for these five best friends – Lauren, Saskia, Dominica, Farah and Tansy – it could be deadly! They have known each other since they were children, and two of the friends are on the cusp of getting married. But when they all get together for Tansy’s hen night, secrets and old grudges begin to show, and when Tansy is murdered they are all left wondering whether one of them is a killer.

I loved the sound of this one, and I enjoyed it. The women were all close friends at some point, but you can see cracks have developed in their friendships over the years. If I’m honest, none of the women are particularly likeable but not in a way where it spoilt the story. They all have their own flaws, jealousies, secrets and issues which lead to mistrust and resentment amongst the group. Whilst I didn’t like any of them, they each had their own “something” about them, whether it be a mysterious affair, blackmail or stealing, which kept me interested in them and their stories!

Whilst it’s a deeply dark mystery keeping us guessing as to who the killer is, it does have it’s funny moments with lots of black humour to keep you laughing! I loved the male strip club and found that part hilarious! There are lots of suspects to chose from with lots of twists and turns to keep you hooked, and I genuinely didn’t guess who the killer was! This was a clever and funny read, but be warned that there is some talk of sex throughout! Would recommend!

The Author

Kate Weston is an ex-stand up comedian and the author of the YA Comedy Murder Mystery: Murder On A School Night, as well as Diary of a Confused Feminist and Must Do Better. Diary of a Confused Feminist was long listed for the Comedy Women in Print Prize and nominated for the Carnegie Medal.