#Review #NetGalley #TheVintageFlowerVanOnLoveHeartLane#LoveHeartLane

The race to save the vintage flower van is on!

Flowers are Florrie Appleton’s life, so when her beloved Aunt Ada passes, and she’s swiftly issued with an eviction notice and told to vacate Rose Cottage, shutter her Vintage Flower Van business, and leave behind Ada’s gorgeous gardens, she’s devastated.

But Florrie is not one to go down without a fight, even if the developer she’s taking on is run by Tom Houston, the man who broke her heart at uni all those years ago.

Tom may have had the upper hand then, but Florrie has the whole of Heartcross behind her now, and as history has shown, there’s nothing this tiny Scottish hamlet can’t accomplish when they band together…

Love Heart Lane – where friends are there for you no matter what

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My Review

This is book #14 of the Love Heart Lane series. Whilst it is part of a series, it can easily be read as a standalone book. We are back with, what I believe to be, the last book of the series. How sad that this wonderful series has come to end though, I have so enjoyed my trips up to the Scottish Highlands. In this book, the story focusses on Florrie, Heartcross’s resident florist. Her Aunt Ada has just died, and Florrie has promised to keep the business of the Vintage Flower Van running. However, when she finds out a secret Ada has been keeping for years, this may prove impossible for Florrie to do…

I loved this book, and the series as a whole. Each journey to Heartcross has been fun and emotional in equal parts. Florrie is a lovely character, and whilst she’s still grieving over Aunt Ada, you know that she will do her best to fulfil Ada’s wishes. When Florrie’s first love, Tom Houston appears in the village, you really hope that she forgives what he did and lives happily ever after with him! Of course, things never run that smoothly, and whilst I liked Tom’s character, he was obviously hiding something. I did feel sorry for him at times though as Florrie certainly liked to have a go at him – although I’m not sure his car deserved what it got!!

This was a lovely, warm-hearted read which showed off Heartcross’s community spirit very well. The writing created perfect pictures in my mind of gardens full of flowers and the quirky little flower van. I expected a twist in the story and was glued to the book all ready for it to happen. It was such a wonderful story and I thoroughly enjoyed it, although sad that the whole series had finished. This was definitely the ideal read for the warm summer days! Would recommend.

The Author

Christie Barlow is the author of thirteen bestselling romantic comedies including the Love Heart Lane series, A Home at Honeysuckle Farm and The Cosy Canal Boat Dream. She lives in a ramshackle cottage in a quaint village in the heart of Staffordshire with her four children and two dogs.
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